Technology Partners

Edtech providers including LMSs, and SISs are bringing Navigator and GPS-like functionality to their applications and users. Partners are leveraging Navigator and its tools to suit their specific user needs and enhance their products.
  • Open content
  • Open competency frameworks
  • AI to generate competency frameworks using your corpus
  • Trained AI engine to facilitate a GPS for learning

0 Global Technology Partners

0 Learners using Navigator

0 Partner Research Universities

Getting started is easy

Plugin the content you use, the users you support, and the tools and data you already leverage.

We will index your content, locate your learners, and aggregate your data, all within a data lake that you own.

You can then use Gooru API’s and AI tools to provide personalized pathways, interventions, and insights.

getting started

Get Started Today!

  • Sign up by completing this short form
  • Choose how you would like to use Gooru Navigator:
Use our Learning Object Repository (LOR)

    • Our LOR consists of over 4 million open resources from high-quality providers tagged with comprehensive Metadata. Many partners choose to Integrate our LOR using industry-standard protocols to provide high-quality competency-aligned OER content to their users.
    • To accomplish this follow this guide.

Leverage Navigator Courses

    • Integrate Navigator with your SSO. We support Google sign-in, SAML, WSFed, Classlink, etc.
    • Integrate your rostering service with Navigator using OneRoster APIs.
    • Aggregate data of learners by leveraging industry standards such as Caliper Analytics or xAPI or Navigator’s Activity Stream Data API, so that the aggregated data can be used to provide detailed “location” data for the learner.
    • Integrate your LMS with Navigator to bring Navigated Learning capabilities – locate your learners and enable personalized pathways for your learners
    • Enable instructors to provide personalized instruction.
    • To accomplish this follow this guide.

Use your own content with our AI

    • Index your premium content into Navigator.
    • Use Navigator’s AI curation tools to generate transcript, summary, phrase cloud, and classify your content to competency framework and Lexile levels.
    • Generate personalized pathways with your premium content
    • To accomplish this, follow these guides: Content Partner, Technology Partner

Something else

    • Let us know your particular use case, and let’s work on something amazing together!
    • Contact us here to let us know what you would like to do.

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