How we are working together

Cogitare has Implemented Gooru Learning Navigator for competency definition and tracking the conceptual understanding of the students through assessments linked to competencies. We leverage this insight to offer a CUSTOMIZED learning journey for our students.

With the first-hand experience of evolving these best practices in-house, Cogitare is partnering with Progressive Private School(s) in Bangalore to implement CBE and Learning Navigator for grades 7-10 in the areas of Science, Math and Computational Thinking, in these schools.

What they do

Cogitare endeavors to ignite the minds of children and make them eager to learn. Help them go beyond exam scores and make them “learners for life“. Cogitare means ‘to think’ in Latin.

Children are encouraged to think, by carefully crafted scenarios, questions and take the center stage in the learning process. They believe that the most important skill children need are the ability to:



“Together with pioneering school districts and over 65 collaborators from around the world, we have built a GPS for learning. Now we are on a mission to get it into the hands of all 7 billion learners on earth!”

Prasad Ram – CEO of Gooru

0 Schools using Navigator

0 Partner Research Universities

0 Learners using Navigator

0 Global Collaborators

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The Navigated Learning Collaborative (NLC) is where all of our collaborators come together.
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